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Common touch, photographers must not know the sun Charm

Star, is due to a special optical phenomenon of light diffraction, through smaller aperture scattering form, light ray like stars in the picture, the number of leaves and use the related X-ray lens. In general, odd leaves form double numbers of stars, and even numbers of leaves form stars with equal rays. Astral belongs to all sorts of point light source, can add interest and appreciation for the picture, foil the atmosphere of the spot, used for a lot of photography works.
In general, shooting the sun star effect, often using a wide-angle lens to photograph the big scene, the sun in the picture for a very small proportion, while using a smaller aperture, generally below F/11, so that the sun is more prone to star effect.
If the position of the sun is not very high, skillfully borrow the foreground to partially block the sun, it will form a shielding part of the star awn, the effect is better, the formation of star conditions will be relatively reduced.

Contact: Mr.Allen

Tel: +86-531-85946665

Fax: +86-531-85812311

Email: Allenchfr@163.com

Add: No.1Xinchengzhuang,Tianqiao District, Jinan, Shandong, China

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